Year: 2023

When smoking your favorite or even the everyday stick, what libations do you select? Depending on the time of day, I may have a Mocha Frappuccino, Nice 10 plus year old scotch, whisky, port or brandy or Chi latte. If I’m trying a new stick and want to really taste…
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Cigar selections can be confusing for the novice smoker. It’s also tricky for some aficionados. Some of us are loyal to brand while others like to expand their pallets and explore new tastes and brands. This is sometimes done in order to find a decent everyday stogie at a reasonable…
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This may seem strange coming from an event planner but there are a TON of cigar events going on now a day. It seems like they are overlapping. We have cigar weeks EVERY WEEK! All year long. Do you think the cigar lifestyle is over saturated? I can’t open my…
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Cigar Lounge, Cigar Bar, Cigar friendly venues. There is a difference. My definition of a lounge is more of a quiet please to smoke, have conversation, maybe watch TV at a low level and relax. They also offer a larger selection of fine cigars. A lot of times, they are…
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The History and Heritage of the Cigar Industry
As a cigar enthusiast and entrepreneur in the industry, I am constantly reminded of the rich history and heritage that surrounds the world of cigars. The origins of cigar smoking can be traced back to the ancient civilizations of the Mayans and Aztecs, who believed that the smoke from cigars…
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